A step by step guide to you help you lead your team to make the most of what you already pay for.
This team tracking pack enables increased productivity and efficiency and helps share the load of keeping up to date with which software/products do what.
Guide your team to:
Save time and money by
The Maximise Existing Tech For Lawyers & Law Firms Team Training pack includes:
This meeting pack is suitable for use by both individuals and for use in small to large group settings. Ideal for:
This pack is suitable for use in the following areas of legal practice:
In fact, any lawyer or practice looking to maximise profitability and increase efficiency.
While this team meeting pack is aimed to help those responsible for team meetings and planning sessions, and the team members themselves, it is 100% suitable for just one person as it does not require collaboration to be effective.
The Maximise Existing Tech Team Meeting Pack is suitable for individuals who wish to use their existing tech to minimise frustrations and inefficiencies in work practices as a solo practitioner or independently within a practice.
In fact, when we first started working in this field, we were a team of one and this is the same process we used then (although we’ve refined it over the years!)
The training workshop is flexible in that it can be run over 1 session or a number of sessions.
As an example, a team of 5, with 3 technological tools would be able to complete a workshop in approximately 60-90 minutes. The more tools you have, the more time will be required to review them.
To run the workshop over several sessions, for example 3 half hour sessions that cover:
The facilitator can be as involved as they like however everything else is in the meeting framework and resources. Having someone to keep time and stay on track is best for team sessions. The provided agenda and printed documents act almost as a script for facilitators if needed.
Before you begin, we suggest you don’t tell your team what the meeting will be about. To prepare you can print out the worksheets for participants to use throughout the workshop. You will also need to have a list of all technologies you already have access to, including any you have purchased or subscribed to. If you are not sure of what is on this list (don’t worry, you’re not alone), your bookkeeper should be able to provide a list. You will also want to ensure your participants have internet access for their research component.
These are just some of the benefits to taking the time to maximise the tech you already have:
This workshop framework package has been developed as a result of the business needs seen coming up time and time again in our own organisation. The benefits we see in time saving, minimising frustrations, boosting morale, building teamwork and improving profitability have been well worth the time investment.
Mel(issa) Telecican is a law firm marketing strategist who has worked with countless lawyers and firms for over 10 years. Mel has guided many lawyers, practice owners and firms on law firm strategy as well as the execution of marketing initiatives in family law, estate planning and litigation, business and commercial law, property and conveyancing, intellectual property law, sports and health related law, workplace and employment law, amongst others.
Mel delivers training and coaching sessions to practice owners and partners. Mel speaks at conferences and events however her sweet spot is creating data-driven strategies for firms and ensuring the participants can take new knowledge and put it into action through hands-on activities like this workshop training.
You will receive your training materials within 5-10 minutes via the email address provided upon purchase.