Law Firm Client Experience Training Pack


Law Firm Client Experience Training Workshop Pack

AU$249 + GST

Client Experience Guided Training

This workshop training pack guides participants to:

  • Discover the intent behind Client Experience Optimisation in the Law Firm setting
  • Recognise the key misconception about client experience optimisation
  • Identify the key issues that leads to delays or friction points for the client, lawyer and firm 
  • Brainstorm opportunities for Client Experience by individual service or across the entire firm
  • Determine solutions that benefit the client, lawyer and your business
  • Determine an Action Plan for the application/implementation of the client experience solutions

Throughout the training workshop there are three key intervals to pause and complete hands-on brainstorming and planning tasks.

The Law Firm Client Experience training and workshop pack includes:

  • Workshop Training [60 min video format]
  • Audio Recording [alternative delivery method]
  • Audio recording supporting resource – Client Journey Map Visual [PDF]
  • Ready to print A3 Double sided Worksheet [PDF]

PLUS… a handy one-page Facilitator’s Resource complete with timestamps for easy reference (helpful when you need to revisit key sections or activities later).

This training is suitable for both individuals and small or larger group settings. Specifically, we made it with these people in mind:

  • Practice Owners
  • Partners
  • Practice Managers
  • Lawyers
  • Support staff
  • Solo Practitioners

It is also applicable for firms that rely solely on referral relationships.

This training and workshop is suitable for use in the following areas of legal practice:

  • Agribusiness
  • Construction Law
  • Conveyancing
  • Corporate Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Elder Law
  • Employment Law
  • Family Law
  • Insurance Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Migration Law
  • Personal Injury
  • Property Law
  • Tax Law
  • Wills & Estates

In fact, any lawyer or practice with an ideal target market firmly in mind, whether that be an individual, businesses, your referral network, organisations, even government. Human beings are the decision makers in all of these scenarios.. You will know which of them you hope to retain and also gain in the near future. This training is your path to identifying what you can do differently and put you and/or your firm top of mind.

While this training workshop is aimed to help those responsible for team meetings and planning sessions, and the participants themselves, it is 100% suitable for just one person (as it does not require collaboration to be effective).

The Law Firm Client Experience Team Training pack is suitable for individuals who wish to optimise the experience of their clients as a solo practitioner or independently within a practice.

 In fact, when we first started out working in this field, we were a team of one and this is the same process used (although we’ve refined it over the years!)

More Frequently Asked Questions

The training workshop can be delivered over one 90 minute session, two 45-60 minute sessions or even three 30-45 minute sessions (it’s always a good idea to include a time buffer to regroup when over more than one session).

The facilitator can be as involved as they like however everything else is in the training. Having someone to keep time and stay on track is best for team sessions. Nothing else is required as all activities are guided.

All you need is a 2-sided copy of the worksheet for each participant and either a place to view the video training, or if AV is an issue, there’s an audio version included. Listening to the audio version in the lead up is helpful for facilitators, but not essential.


These are just some of the benefits to optimising your law firm client experience:

  • Improved retention of clients
  • Increased profitability
  • Stronger referrals/recommendations
  • More responsive clients
  • More positive online reviews
  • Improved reputation
  • Better client outcomes

More detailed benefits are unpacked in the training.

This training package was the result of an enquiry about having one of our law firm strategists run a live workshop for a small team of lawyers. When that fee was out of budget, we considered how we could make this training workshop more budget-friendly. After all, guided training shouldn’t be only accessible for those with big budgets.

Mel(issa) Telecican is a law firm marketing strategist who has worked with lawyers and law firms for over 10 years. Mel has guided many lawyers, practice owners and firms on law firm strategy as well as the execution of marketing initiatives in family law, estate planning and litigation, business and commercial law,  property and conveyancing, intellectual property law, sports and health related law, workplace and employment law, amongst others. 

Mel delivers online training to the prospects and customers of legal software and legal education providers. Mel speaks at conferences and events however her sweet spot is creating data-driven strategies for firms and ensuring that training participants can take new knowledge and put it into action through hands-on activities like this workshop training.

You will receive your training materials within 5-10 minutes via the email address provided upon purchase.

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