Law Firm Coaching

It's Time To Kick More Law Firm Goals

Set your trajectory and get the strategic and practical support you need to tick some of your most important goals off your checklist.

Director of LawUE, Mel Telecican offers a limited number of coaching sessions each year.

Read on to discover coaching options and for consulting enquiries, click below.

What's Your Time Worth?

If you’d prefer not to assume or guess what will work and invest in the support of someone who knows the legal market, Mel Telecican is in the trenches, tracking and measuring law firm initiatives for success every day.

man smiling at laptop, symbolic of law firm coaching online.

Suitability for Law Firm Coaching

One on one coaching with owners, partners or practice managers.

Established Boutique Firms

whose owners & management value an external perspective with experience across a range of practice areas.


seeking support about what works best in the early days of a new practice to drive enquiries and let the world know you’re open and deserving of new business.

Small Practices

looking for practical guidance, insights and advice about content marketing, digital advertising and making their presence & expertise known in a competitive market.

Law Firm Coaching Sessions

Dive deep into monthly 45 minute personalised online sessions. 

Cut through the noise. Mel’s experience of working exclusively with law firms means she knows what will work at points in the business life cycle.

Avoid wasted dollars and time with clear guidance to maximise the effectiveness of your upcoming plans or initiatives.

Walk away from each session with actionable insights tailored to your objectives and  growth stage. Plus, Voxer access Monday to Friday in working hours to ask questions and keep you moving between sessions.

person on screen of laptop talking to person out of shot. Symbolic of law firm coaching.

Melissa Telecican

Mel Telecican worked with her first law firm client on an automation project in 2014. Now with her team at LawUE, they exclusively partner with law firms to develop, maintain or enhance their market prominence.

Mel’s interest areas and expertise:

  • Law Firm Content Marketing Strategy
  • Market Prominence in Search Results
  • Google Ad Strategy
  • Client Experience Optimisation for Profit
  • UX Design
  • Legal Web Design

Get It Done

Running a law firm can be challenging at the best of times. Step into a one on one coaching environment where questions can be asked, challenges can be unpacked privately, and actionable solutions provided.

man smiling at laptop, symbolic of law firm coaching online.

Coaching Options


$ 550
  • 1 x 45 min coaching session
  • Session recording provided
  • Limited availability

4 Session

$ 1980*
  • 4 x 45 min coaching sessions
  • Session recordings provided

6 Month

$ 1100/m*
  • Monthly 60 min sessions
  • Between session support via Voxer^
  • Session recordings provided
  • Payable monthly

* price includes GST.

^ Voice message support to ask & answer questions. Time limits apply. Available during office hours.

Expert Advisor, Facilitator & Presenter

Mel is regularly invited to present webinars, keynotes and workshops for the legal industry.